Friday, April 15, 2011

Wacky Hair Day

Today was Wacky Hair Day at Miss V's school.

She went all out with a hairstyle that probably would've pleased Marie Antoinette.

Both feathers and a bird's nest! Woot!

She's a good kid.


  1. We lurrrrrrrve Miz V in Idaho. Wait til the Love Magnet sees this 'do. Whoa, wait til Secondborn sees this do! :) We miss ourour fave Guitar hero/Mahjongg player/jewelry maker.

  2. So funny...both you and another friend (who I am sure you don't know) had the exact same blog title today. Her post was about her 1st grade daughter, who also had Wacky Hair Day at her school today.

  3. Marie... how hairendipitous!

    Carrie, we like her around here too. But we're a bit biased. :)

  4. a friend of mine is a stylist and says feather are the new thing... Very becoming on Miss V!

  5. I think they look pretty good on her too.


Internet reality check: If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to my face, it probably doesn't belong here.