Monday, March 26, 2012

Feedback request

Gentle Readers, who among you is reading "Unseen?" If you are, would you please leave a comment on this entry to that effect? I know it's taking me forever to finish AND I do plan on finishing it regardless of interest, but I am curious to know if anyone's out there (besides moms and friends whose loyalty I'm currently testing with my slow updates).



  1. I want to read it, but missed the beginning and now I'm lost :(

  2. There's a link to the very first entry in under "The Neverending Story?" in the sidebar of this blog. I'm going through and making links at the top and bottom of each entry, to make the story easier to navigate from beginning to end. Hoping that will help a bit.

  3. ah, brills, will go and check it out :)


Internet reality check: If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to my face, it probably doesn't belong here.