Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...


(Isn't that how that particular proverb goes?)

Yes, I'm finished with the first draft of yet another story. Even if this one also gets rejected, I'm still proud of it. But this time I'm going to rope in some beta readers and get some solid feedback before I submit it. This may or may not improve its chances of being accepted. Guess we'll just see.

In the meantime, anybody wanna read a story?


  1. ME ME ME!!! But I'm pretty booked through the 31st...go figure. Once my missionary is on the plane, though, I'm all yours.

  2. Aww, thanks, Marie, but the deadline to submit this story is August 1. (Yeah, I waited until just before deadline again.)

  3. That's not to say you couldn't read it afterward! Just that I wouldn't be able to incorporate your suggestions into the story.


Internet reality check: If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to my face, it probably doesn't belong here.