Miss V was deep in the middle of a reading jag today.
"Suzie, could you go to the store and buy me a cupcake?" she asked.
Hmm. Well, yeah, I guess I could. But I had the ingredients and the will to do BETTER than that.
Cream-cake cupcake with vanilla-almond powdered-sugar frosting. All homemade. Mmm-hmm!
Anybody can buy a boring ol' Pinkabella cupcake... and there's nothing wrong with store-bought goodies. But nothing tastes quite as good as homemade food cooked from scratch.
Which reminds me, local people: who's coming to Soup Night tomorrow? 7 p.m. at our place. Bring a bowl and spoon. If you plan on coming, send me a comment so I can get an accurate head count.
In the meantime, we've got a whole lot of extra cupcakes and I'm a diabetic. Is there a brave volunteer willing to throw himself/herself on a cupcake grenade and take one for the team?
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