Friday, February 08, 2013

Soup Night 2: Electric Boogaloo

If you follow me on various other types of social media, you may have noticed an event called "Soup Night" popping up in conversation.  It's a simple concept: the host makes a couple of different kinds of soup, participants show up with bowls and spoons and maybe some bread to share, and everyone sits around and talks and laughs and eats soup and generally has a good time.  I've been talking about hosting a soup night since at least 2008, but last month I finally stopped talking about it and just took the plunge.

The first time around, in January, we had about eight guests and three kinds of soup. It was fun and convivial enough that even I, the introvert, forgot to be nervous.  I also forgot to take any pictures.

Yesterday we held our second-ever Soup Night.  I almost forgot to take pictures again, but snapped a few blurry images as things were winding down, so what you see here is the aftermath of the evening's shenanigans.

This time there were four soups, about 30 people (yes, 30! In my house! And somehow they all managed to fit!)... one guitar.

Again, even though there were so many people in attendance that some of them got short shrift from their hostess, the atmosphere was very laid back. Just my speed. People ate and talked about books and movies, laughed and strummed instruments, played Munchkin Booty and learned how to knit. We ran a little low on soup, but I think just about everyone got something to eat.

In the past I have dreaded hosting parties. They always seemed like work, and I worried so much about all the things that might potentially go wrong that I couldn't relax and enjoy a thing. But other than the work that goes into making the soup, Soup Night is nearly effortless. People bring their own bowls and spoons (and in this instance, a few of them brought extra chairs). They don't come with big expectations; it's just a chance to sit around, have dinner and a chat, so anything over and above that is gravy.

Plus, when it comes to soup I have been trying to bring my A game.  The first Soup Night I offered Cinnamon Beef Noodles (and I am THE GREATEST CINNAMON BEEF NOODLE COOK WHAT EVER LIVED!), Potato Cheese Soup, and Pumpkin Cream Soup.  Last night we had Chicken Noodle Soup (by request of Captain Midnight), Tomatensoep met Balletjes, Fruktsoppa with cream, and Fen brought her delicious Curried Lentil and Butternut Squash Soup.  All were consumed with much gusto and vigor.

And bread.  Lots of bread.

So will we do this again next month?  Definitely.  Am I up to hosting 30 people in my house again?  Maaaaaybe not.  I might scale it down a bit for the sake of general sanity.  Nonetheless, if you happen to be in the neighborhood you're welcome to stop by, break bread with us, and help yourself to a bowlful of savory bliss.


  1. I wish you lived on our block..... this could be fun.

    Tonight is our soup night...and I am baking no knead Ciabatta and I think I'll make spicy sweet potato carrot soup ...... I love making soup. They are easy and all turn out a bit different depending on what I have on hand....but, all sooooo yummy....

  2. That sounds amazing! I wish we could come to each other's soup nights. :)


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