As a very minor example, let me share with you one of the personal delights of my youngest sister, Miss V's mom. My sister loves -- LOVES -- shoes. All sorts of shoes, though she is especially partial to shoes with high heels. She's probably got upwards of 100 pairs right now. In fact, she has so many that if she misplaces a pair she usually doesn't notice its absence for months, if at all. She lounges around the house in high-heeled slippers, she loves the idea of exercising in stilettos... you get the idea. In fact, it wasn't until recently that I discovered we were actually the same height; I'd always assumed she was taller, because she always wears heels.
Now, just for comparison's sake, my in-use-until-today flip-flops:

My personal philosophy is that nobody really needs more than four pairs of shoes: all-purpose tennies for everyday wear and exercise, a simple pair of dress shoes, maybe a pair of boots, and a set of nice-looking flip-flops will get you through 90% of what life throws at you. Anything else is gravy. I'm almost certain my sister would be horrified at this philosophy, but it works for me.
And hey, in almost completely unrelated news, I got stuff from Gretel today! (Thanks Gretel!) Beeyootiful cards which I had coveted for some time. Pix later, as I'm frankly too lazy to hook up the scanner.
When I was young I loved shoes, I always looked in shoe shops rather than toy shops or sweet shops like most kids. Now I am most interested in finding comfortable shoes.
I don't get the shoe thing either, possibly because my feet are 8 and a half and wide. I have four pairs as well - walking sandals I live in, sandals for best, combat boots for everyday, and elastic sided boots for anything else - oh yes, and somewhere tucked away I do have some smart kitten heeled sandals which have been worn twice, both at weddings.
I think if I had dainty little feet it might be another story...
Hurrah for flip-flops - I live in them during the summer! and always ends up feeling wierd when I have to wear shoes again.
I have a couple more pair than four - but mostly because I trade my summer flipflops for clogs in the winter because I will always wear slip-ons if at all possible! Well, if one must wear shoes at all. Bare foot is best when possible.
Bare feet are best but I also wear flip flops in summer (and in the winter when I was pregnant.) I have to admit thought that there is nothing quite like finding a nice pair of high heels for date night with my darling husband. I call those my "I don't look like the typical mommy" shoes.
Pretty sandals... Greetings from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
And some of us don't bother with any shoes at all! :-)
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