Have I taken leave of my senses? (Well, probably, but that happened quite a while ago.) Point is, I keep plugging this short film my sister produced that is now getting into all sorts of film festivals -- and yet I have never attended a public screening of said film. (I've seen several work-in-progress cuts of it, but it's not the same thing as seeing the finished film in the company of an audience.)
Well, now the thing's slated to play at Tribeca, and I suspect it's about time to stop just merrily plugging the film and actually go see it properly. And yell "YAY JULIE!" in a crowded theater. And maybe run around Noo Yawk Sitty goofing off with my sister, Just 'Cause It's Fun.

Can you afford not to go. At the end of the day when you are ticking off what was worth doing in your life and what was not, I'll bet you would put going to support your sister and seeing her film in such a setting as one of the better things you got to experience.
Just my happy two cents worth! :P
You are, of course, absolutely right... this is mostly what has been guiding my thoughts on the matter.
I always say -- five years down the road you will never even think about the money.
True. Unless it's the fleeting thought "Money talks... mine usually says 'goodbye.'"
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