Monday, September 13, 2010

Yet another Pay It Forward update

OU who have waited patiently during this latest round of Pay It Forward may be relieved to know that today I sent off the final box. (Or you may be too worn out with waiting to care. If so, my humblest apologies.) In any case, if you don't already have a box of your very own, you should receive one within two or three days.

Now for a lot of wild laundry-doing and last-minute packing ere I run off to Noo Yawk Sitty tomorrow. Yes, of course the camera is coming along. Keep rooting for Julie (root root!).


Pat Achilles said...

Sooz, first, all good hopes for your sister on Millionaire!
Second, wow-wow-WOW I love the Pay It Forward Box that came to my house yesterday! oh MY!!! Chocolate & goodies much needed of late. Many, many thanks, and I will tell my blog partners we must do the same very soon!

Soozcat said...

I'm glad your box got there OK, especially since it took me such a long time to get it boxed up and on its way. (sorry about that) Especially glad you enjoy! It's hard to go wrong with chocolate, isn't it? :)