Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How it's going

Well, that's not too shabby. I've lost 11 pounds this particular go-round, down a total of 21 pounds from my all-time heaviest weight in early 2009. Not that any of it is currently noticeable, but I suppose that as I stick to it -- maybe around the time I hit the 50-lb. loss mark -- people will start giving me quizzical glances and asking, "Have you cut your hair or something?" Heh.

South Beach seems to be working for me thus far; I don't feel constantly hungry or deprived, though I may have to fight the occasional cravings as we move into Phase 2 and start adding carbohydrate-rich foods back into the diet. I've been sticking to the limit of one serving of carbohydrate per day -- half an apple along with some lowfat cottage cheese as a mid-afternoon snack, an open-face sandwich on a slice of whole grain bread for lunch, etc. And frankly, the "safety valve" of being able to enjoy dark chocolate, even in small amounts, is a wonderful thing.

Yeah, I know. Diet talk, boring, bla bla bla.

My friend Douglas, who writes an excellent blog about the joys of managing adult ADHD, came up with a term to describe his tendency to fill every cranny of his life with (largely unfinished) projects: Multi-Irons Syndrome. I'm reasonably sure I don't have ADHD, but Multi-Irons Syndrome? Boy, does that sound familiar. At any given moment there are gobs of unfinished projects scattered around this house, most of them well-begun but never done, as my enthusiasm flags and I pounce upon the next new thing. There are three books in the "currently reading" pile, all waiting on hold while I re-read a fourth; half a dozen short stories, a short subject screenplay and a feature film screenplay in the writing pipeline, all in various stages of not-done-ness; at least five (probably more) knitting or crocheting projects actively in process, with several more packed away in boxes in the garage... is it obvious I have a problem finishing things? Um, yeah. I don't think it's laziness per se, but the inability to maintain long-term enthusiasm for a project that puts it into a stall. Once that shiny new-car smell, the honeymoon period where I'm hollering "Hot cha, this is gonna be awesome!" wears off, I'm left staring in dismay at the half-baked result of my labors and moaning in Lola Granola-esque fashion, "It just doesn't SOAR, dammit!"

I know I'm not the only one who gets tired of this. Captain Midnight and Miss V have to live with the messes generated by my multitudinous projects, and they do not like it, not one little bit. Also, Miss V is starting to pick up some bad habits thanks to my poor role modeling; she's got her own versions of multiple projects going at once. There's only so many works-in-progress this poor house can take before it finally gives up and collapses into a singularity.

Anyway, in addition to the current Excess Adipose Tissue Removal project (which is gonna take a while), I've committed to finishing off a number of unfinished projects before taking on anything new. To that end, I finished crocheting a charity scarf project this evening, packaged it up and will be sending it on its way in the morning. (Yay!) Next on the docket: a long-delayed scarf for the manly Captain Midnight, and maybe a story ending or two.


tlchang said...

So it's South Beach rather than WW, eh? (Ed wants us to sign up for WW this week. *anything* would be good at this point).

Paying deadlines are a compelling way to complete projects - whether you really want to after the initial flush of enthusiasm has worn off, or not... dagnabit...

Soozcat said...

Yeah, I finally settled on South Beach for a number of reasons: I've been on Weight Watchers many times before, and though I always lose some weight I find it progressively more difficult to stick to plan and end up regaining what I've lost. I've also heard that for people who have some of my particular health issues and similar family health histories, South Beach works very well.

Agreed -- paying deadlines do create a compelling need to finish projects within a specific time frame (though they come with their own problems, as you know only too well -- it's really hard to be creative on demand!).

MarieC said...

I miss Lola Granola!!

Congrats on being down 21 lb.

Soozcat said...

Thanks. I miss her too.