I've mentioned here a time or two that Captain Midnight, Miss V and I were planning on getting together with my sister Jenny and cousin Tim to visit the Disney parks in southern California for a few days. Namely, the next few days.

So this is coming to you live from our fancy-pantsy suite about spitting distance from the entrance to Disneyland.

We arrived last night, and V and Tim made themselves right at home. (Captain Midnight also didn't take long to make the laptop feel right at home, either.
Then we went to unpack our luggage...

...and discovered a stowaway in CM's shirts. Upon further cross-examination we found out our small visitor was
Legoman, who had decided he was going to use our suitcase (without our knowledge) to go out and see the world.

Miss V gave him a very stern talking-to. I'm not sure if it sunk in, though, because he was too excited about going to Disneyland the next day.
More in the next post!
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