People are just losing it over the snow and ice today. Already the school district has declared tomorrow another snow day because of "icy driving conditions." *eyeroll*
Yes, I do realize that our little corner of Washington doesn't typically receive as much snow as other areas do, but still and all, road conditions aren't anywhere near as awful as they were yesterday, when the interstate was a solid mass of angry travelers until well past midnight. Besides, the power is on and we have everything we need to make dinner tonight, so it's no biggie.
So, how are we responding to this "crisis," you ask?
We are making Spudnuts, of course.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to blow my diet for the evening. (I've lost 25 pounds so far, and as long as I get back on the wagon tomorrow I'll keep losing. And I will get back on, fear not.)
Mmm, delicious weather crisis.
Yeah, things aren't as bad as yesterday (and the freeway is completely clear) but having been out in it last night and tonight both - the sides roads are still completely iced - and I live by hills. NOT fun. Nor safe. Since WA does not have sufficient means to salt the roads, I fully the support he staying-home decision.
The only thing I wish I'd done, in hindsight, was pick up a half-gallon of milk. But I can mix up some powdered milk if I really need some for cooking.
A little concerned about Miss V, who heads out tomorrow for Thanksgiving break. We'll see how it goes.
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