Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quick update

It's getting late here in New York, so two things:

1) I LIVE! That was some pretty nasty turbulence. If I don't end up getting a pair of ruby slippers out of this experience, I'm gonna feel seriously cheated.

2) I have documented evidence of personal space invasion. Also of the perils of poorly-applied spray-on tan. BEHOLD!

This... thing was in my face for a good portion of the flight out. A woman in the seat in front of me decided to spread out as much as she could in coach for a little siesta on the plane, so she stretched out her hand right into my already limited airspace. (This pseudo-tanned claw was literally inches from my nose.) Then she commenced to scrape away at a callus on her thumb, sprinkling dead skin into my lap.

Thanks for the epidermis, hag in 16D! Seriously? Jeez.

Anyway, my sister is so nice. She is letting me stay in her apartment and feeding me lemon cake, which was very well-received since today I've pretty much been subsisting on sunlight and water and chocolate chip cookies.

And now, I go to bed.


Wendy Jean said...

OK, this totally freaks me out!

Soozcat said...

Yeah, I was pretty skeeved myself.