Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Sketchbook Project postscript

Warning: I am not an artist. Yet for inexplicable reasons, I filled up an art sketchbook (with a story, because for some reason I do fancy myself a storyteller) and sent it off to Art House Co-op before the deadline.

I am somewhat foolishly proud of having achieved this minor accomplishment, so against my better judgment I've put all the scanned pages of my Sketchbook Project on Flickr. If you're curious, the whole resplendent train wreck can be found here.

These scans are a bit cleaned up from the original -- the Moleskine Cahier pages are thin and prone to let ink bleed through from page to page. But I wanted to make sure I had at least one documented copy of this first shaky attempt at a sketchbook before it went out into the world and got hammered on by multiple readers. So there it is.

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