Long ago, deep in the mists of time when the Internet had hardly been invented yet and I was in college the first time around, I attended a lecture given by fantasy artist (and BYU professor) James C. Christensen on the nature of creativity.

Anyway, in this lecture one of the things Prof. Christensen said was that everyone is creative. That statement met with a certain amount of polite disbelief in the lecture hall, so he elucidated.
Too many people, he said, seem to believe that creativity is a talent or state of mind which only a few special souls possess. But, he pointed out, we are all born creative. Children are innate creators. Give them anything at all to work with and they'll make something out of it. But over time, if not guided in the right direction, those same children will tend to lose that simple faith in their ability to create.
He said that people place strictures on creativity; too many people believe that a creative work has to be absolutely unique, to come out of nowhere into existence. But that's not really possible. In any case, that's not how a child's creativity works. The child takes what's available and makes something new. And that's all that creativity really is -- drawing from what's available in your head, taking hold of the materials before you, and using them to make something new. There's no such thing as creation ex nihilo; it all originates from somewhere.
You young whippersnappers probably don't know what a real card catalog is (and oh, are you missing out -- it's one of the most delightful pieces of functional furniture ever!), but I'll try to explain what he said next anyway. He compared our learning, our life experiences, our memories, to a card catalog filled with cards -- each card a specific experience, all connected and cross-referenced. (If you've never used one of these, you could also compare it to the way Pinterest works.) He said that creativity can be as simple as pulling two (or more) disparate cards from your mental card catalog and putting them together in a new way.

So the experience of an artist, or indeed any person who wishes to hone his or her creativity, involves getting as many cards into that catalog as possible, so that you have more ideas from which to draw. That can include new styles and techniques, experiments with new media, various life experiences, random stuff you've seen or read. You can see this in Prof. Christensen's work. As he's gotten out into the world, visited different places and had many life experiences, the nature of his work has changed.

I went away from this lecture with a completely different outlook on creativity. It had become less of a mysterious alchemical process to which I had not received an invitation, and more of an opportunity to experiment and try things just to see what happened. Though I don't consider myself an artist (more a crafter and doodler, really), I do fancy myself a writer, and much of what he'd said about creativity applied just as well to writing as it did to painting. All the concepts he'd been talking about went buzzing around my head; I was excited, spirited, full of ideas, like a little kid. I wanted to make something. It was kin to the same compulsion that led me to start this blog.
What fires your creativity? And don't try to tell me you don't have any.
I love your blogs! Creativity is truly within us all.
I enjoyed this post and agree with what you shared. I'm more like you though, I tinker a bit with crafty stuff but am so left brained that my form of creativity is mostly manipulating things on the computer.
I love President Uchtdorf's talk several years ago about creating, called "Happiness, Your Heritage" and I especially love the Mormon Messages video they made from his talked called, Create.
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