Saturday, April 20, 2019

It's April!

April 1907
(But it's not 1907. Just FYI.)
In fact, we're two-thirds of the way through April and I haven't written here even once.

You may ask, "What were you doing all that time?" I'll tell you. STUFF, that's what. I've been doing errands, baking cookies, making Epic Late-Night Grocery Runs, ensuring the car gets fixed, puttering around the house, and not-writing. I do not like not-writing, Sam-I-Am. It's a bad habit to get into, plus it has the propensity to make me grumpy and short-tempered and generally less Soozcat-like all across the board. And let's be honest, nobody likes a cantankerous laundry faerie.

Trouble is, I'm not sure when I'll have time to do much writing in the next while. V and I will be packing to fly to Utah next week, there to whoop it up for my mom's 75th birthday, get V completely moved out of her college apartment, attend her commencement ceremony, then drag all her stuff back here in a U-Haul. After that we shall continue to sort through her crud and pack her up so she can start her internship -- which is also in Utah -- and drive her down there. I anticipate toting and lifting and generally running around like a madwoman until mid-May or so.

However, due to the froward qualities of my writing muse, I'll probably start getting all sorts of great ideas to write about just when I have little or no time to work on them. (This is generally how it works. My muse is an obnoxious little twerp, and I should kick her to the curb.) In the next few weeks, I expect to be writing down cryptic notes and partly-formed ideas on bits of paper which I promptly lose. Meh. Maybe I'll borrow a tablet from Captain Midnight and keep my mental flotsam in unpublished posts on this blog until they're ready to see the light of day.

How's your month been?

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