Sunday, June 27, 2021

A little regifting tip


INCE it's nearing the end of June, a month where folks are traditionally more likely to get married, I thought it might be wise (and potentially entertaining) to offer a PSA about regifting.

In days of yore, when hubby and I got married, we were lavishly endowed with many gifts. (Especially from my dear departed maternal grandmother, who was so excited over the first of her grandchildren getting married that she went a little nuts sending us gifts on the order of one per week, but that's another story.)

Once we got back from our honeymoon, we started opening the wedding gifts we'd received. One of them -- and even at this remove, I won't tell what it was or who it was from -- came with a sweet little note inside.

"To [Danielle and Fred]*, congratulations and the best of luck in your new life together."

We are not named [Danielle and Fred]. The people who gave us the gift are also not named [Danielle and Fred]. Which means this particular item was regifted at least twice without anyone even bothering to open it and check out the contents.

So if you're going to regift an item, mayyybe give its contents a once-over first.

*names changed, obvi

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