We have a bit of a mole problem in our neighborhood.
And when I say "a bit," what I mean is "a lot."
The other day, Captain Midnight noticed a freshly dug mole hole in our yard, so he decided he'd try to convince the mole to come out of the lawn. He did this by sticking a hose in the new hole and turning on the water.
Sure enough, this little critter subsequently came popping out. (It is probably
Scapanus orarius, a Coast Mole.) And Miss V, who loves all things small and fuzzy, sprang to its rescue immediately, hollering, "DON'T KILL IT!"
She captured the rather wet mole in a canning jar...
...and conveyed him to the bathroom to dry him off. Here Mr. Mole poses in the sink with a few Goldfish crackers for the sake of scale (most moles prefer to eat insects).
Miss V immediately decided she was the mole's mother.
Two things got in the way of an immediate adoption, though: 1) moles are wild creatures who belong in places where they can dig freely, and 2) our landlord would not be pleased.
So CM and Miss V went to a bit of wild acreage not far from our home (but far enough away that Mr. Mole isn't likely to come back and visit)...
...and Miss V released her charge into the wild. The moment he hit dirt, Mr. Mole started to dig; he was out of sight within four seconds.
Thus ends our tale, at least for now. I'm sure there will be some sort of postscript the next time a suspicious mound shows up in our lawn.
I had no idea moles were so tiny.
Big holes for such a small creature, no?
We had such a mole problem out back on year... we sprayed the grass with this stuff that makes the bugs taste bade and they went away... a couple years later major problem again... then we got new neighbors with cats.. no more moles!
Cats do a great job. Ours had a tendency to take down ground squirrels that were as big as she was.
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