In related news, I've used up a ton of those international stamps I've been saving for "some future project... I'll know it when I see it":

This project also serves as a welcome respite from the madness season currently in progress. Endless campaign messages appear on TV, are crammed daily into my mailbox and clutter up my voice mail. (There were four messages on the voice mail this morning, all of them political robo-calls. Thank heavens for the quick-delete feature.) At this point I'd probably vote for the first would-be tinpot dictator who promised to banish all political advertising; fortunately I already dropped my ballot in the mail a week ago. WHICH MEANS ALL THIS ENDLESS SHILLING GOES FOR NAUGHT, at least in my case. Mutta mutta.
Hi there! Saw your comment on Mod Podge Rocks. I would use Fabric Mod Podge, which stays very flexible. You are going to want to spray seal the notebook though (with a clear acrylic sealer) so that it's not tacky. If you do this, it will last a long time!
Thanks, Amy. I want this thing to be able to handle the many people who might be picking it up and leafing through it.
I know! Know one calls our home phone# anymore, so we go running thinking it's an emergency only to hear that lovely recorded voice. I always vote, but it's making me mad enough this year I don't want to vote for anyone.
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