Thursday, January 17, 2019

Complete! Yay!

In the interest of full disclosure (and shameless bragging rights), I have finished another scarf. And it is a non-Red-Scarf-Project scarf, even.

Nope. This one is, selfishly, for me.

This is a multidirectional diagonal scarf, knitted in one piece from variegated self-striping yarn, using short row shaping. I've been working on this thing on and off (mostly off) for the last five years without finishing it, mostly because the last triangle to be completed has a fiddly bit of knitting that I was worried about screwing up. (I actually did screw it up on the first try and had to rip it back and give it another shot, whereupon it worked correctly.)

Let the record state that this puppy wraps around my neck TWICE and still has plenty of dangle left over. It is eleven feet long and soft and full of rainbow colors, and it is glorious, my friends. I am SO pleased with it.



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