Thursday, June 27, 2024

GROW, my pretties!

Got a minute? I gotta share with you this thing I've got going on my back porch.

(No, nothing like that, don't make it weird.)

A veggie and two herbs

I can hear some of you now saying, "Okaaaay, Sooz, you have a veggie and two herbs growing in cut-down gallon milk jugs. Yippee. Whaddyawant, a gold star?"

Listen, I can't properly explain how nuts this is. Ordinarily, I'm Plant Medusa. All I need to do is glance their way and plants shrivel and die. I haven't had real house plants in my place for ages because I forget to care for them and they perish and then I feel guilty about it.

And yet. Chard and coriander and basil are starting to FLOURISH on my back porch. (Not to mention the mysterious air plant at the upper right.) I mean, the chard's getting to a point where I'll need to chop it into quarters soon and give each quarter its own, more spacious pot.

Which leads me to ask: What in tarnation's goin' on hyar?

All I can figure is that the fairy who moved in here around the same time we did has a green thumb and a fondness for culinary herbs.

A fairy door with the Doors of Moria and a doormat that says MELLON
She also has a thing for Tolkien

Thanks, good neighbor! Take as much as you want!

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