Included herein were the following delights:
1) card for li'l ol' me, complete with a sketch of Captain Rupert nibbling fairy lights
1) handpainted garland of Christmas stockings and trees
1) small Christmas charm of two bells, which I will be wearing as a necklace next Christmas
3) printed Higglety Pigglety cards, one of which I have already pressed into use
and 1) handmade and handpainted Christmas card which is far too lovely to use!
I am cavorting with glee. Many thanks, sweet fairy Joanna.
Also I am inordinately pleased with the look of our hall closet. Behold the mighty stack of Christmas cards (garnished with origami stars made by Gretel, who assures me she's getting her 'gami game on in 2007):

(No, nobody needs to send me a fez. I suppose I could make an origami one...)
I actually have a fez I bought in Iraq. I used to wear it and jump around like an organ-gringers monkey to the delight of bored soldiers.
Also, glad you got my Christmas card. I see it up there on the closet coors.
Of course I meant organ "grinder's" monkey, not "gringers".
Isn't Joanna great, what a lovely garland! I AM going to do more of the folding stuff this year, and intend to challenge you to something mind bogglingly fiddly...
Tom: I have this fantastic mental image of you in a fez doing the Monkey-Man Boogie. Hee.
PG: You're on, sister! Woohoo!
I am so looking forward to the SOSF! I signed up two days ago! What fun! I am looking forward more, I think, to getting and giving than to receiving. It is with child-like anticipation that I wait impatiently for my fairy friend's address so that I may go shopping! WEEEEE!
It's fun. You'll love it.
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