Woo! Just received in the mail what may well be The Coolest Thing Ever:

Apparently I am a blonde. (This is not the first time such a thing has been suggested, by the way.) Thank you,
Gretel; I am framing this one.
Also, I was visiting
Tara over the weekend and she proceeded to bestow upon me a sack of princely goodies:

These are, clockwise from left to right: hot chocolate mix, pirate bandages (arr!), a card and chocolate-themed stickers, an advance reading copy of the first book in a series Tara is illustrating (
plug, plug), and some handmade cookie-cutter soaps.
She shouldn't be giving
me goodies; it was her birthday! Not that I'm complaining or anything.
Very, very happy to have stumbled upon the
SOSF. I feel very blessed indeed to get to know such wonderful and creative people. Thanks.
Wow, what great presents and that card from Gretel is fab, you lucky thing!
Actually it is even better than a card. It's an almost-A4-sized painting! I am SO framing this thing.
Cool beans! (and thanks for the plug) :-)
Hey, I didn't know it was Tara's birthday!
Sooz, I had to make 'you' blonde as brown would not have fit into the colour scheme, I was going to give you a nice dark brown mop, because I do think of you as being dark haired, but it would have killed the rest. Artistic licence. ;)
Actually, I have no problem with being portrayed as a blonde, for artistic or other reasons. I love this! Just found it amusing because, back in my BBS days, a number of people hazarded a guess that I was blonde based solely on my posts.
thats a great card. Could be fun, doing a post or picture or something based on other blogger's perceptions of one!
Soozcat, I found you, thank you for my beautiful SOSF package, I am now FAT and am about to blog about you on my blog xx(chocolatiee ones!)
Of course I have a mailing list. Haven't you notice that you are on it? :-)
I am? I mean, I AM! Of course I am! :)
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