Friday, January 14, 2011

Finding beauty

Where I come from, nobody knows
And where I'm going, everything goes
The wind blows
The sea flows
And nobody knows

It's been a grey, overcast day with occasional drizzle -- the kind of melancholy day we have in abundance here during the winter. Frankly, the kind of day that would probably drive my dear father-in-law nuts. (Hi, Dad!)

But there is beauty to be found even on days like this. Maybe especially on days like this. If you're not used to this kind of weather, you may have to look carefully for it...

...but it is there to be found.

There's another bit of flash fiction percolating in the back of my head, generated by an idea that struck me on a particularly cold day, while I was filling the gas tank. It's a tight little bud of an idea right now, and it needs to open up into something more like a real story.

ETA: the quote at the top comes from Portrait of Jennie by Robert Nathan. It's a sad, sweet, very evocative fantasy novella.

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