Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Liquid diet is blah

Typing this up on an iPad, not my normal mode of composition, so I’ll likely keep this entry short.

I am super grumpy this week. It’s another all-clear-liquid, sugar-free diet week, which I’ve done before, but this week also happens to be my family reunion, which further complicates things. It’s doubly difficult to make do with chicken broth or a protein shake when everyone else is chowing down on favorite family recipes. (Doing this on the say-so of my surgeon, who intends to set a date to cut me up some time in July.) I don’t want to be Auntie Grump all week, but it’s going to be tough to maintain a cheerful attitude when I’m starving.

Wish me luck, because I’d kill for a burrito right now.

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