Perched atop this teetering pile is a lovely golden quince. I just started reading about quinces recently and they sounded oddly intriguing, and then at Safeway what to my wondering eyes should appear but two of these mellow pineapple-scented beauties. I took this as a sign that I should purchase them. Their destiny is to be slowly poached and consumed with much delight. Also, quite a while back, I picked up some membrillo at a Latino market and have been slipping it into things... served with cheese, as recommended; diced small and added to honey yogurt; etc. This bears repeating. Why don't we Americans do more things with quinces?
We have the same copy of Nurse Matilda Sooz. Great book(s).
I love, love, LOVE books and think there can never be enough.
What is membrillo?
I've planted a quince tree in my back yard. I think most Americans don't know what to do (or are to lazy to do) with fruit that really must be cooked before eaten... We had ornamental quince bushes when I was growing up - they produced small, funky looking yellow knobby fruits that were hard and too full of pectin to even be licked without your mouth puckering. They made the best jam though! I have a very soft spot in my heart? tummy? for quinces.
I have found persimmons here (noever before when I lived in Utah) but I haven't seen quince. Sounds like a fun ingredient to try.
Tara, membrillo is the Spanish term for quince paste. Actually it should be called quince jelly; it's thick enough to be shaped into a brick, can be sliced into chunks, and has a consistency that falls somewhere between jam and gummi candy. It's a beautiful reddish-orange color, and quite sweet.
Carrie: I know there can never be enough books, but somehow I feel a bit guilty for buying so many. (Still, the price couldn't be beat.)
chesno: The character is sort of a cross between Mary Poppins and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. I'm enjoying the stories very much.
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