Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seattle Square 3.0

Again we greet you from the mighty totem poles and cabana brollies of Occidental Park, Seattle.

Seattle weather any time of the year is... um... capricious. These pictures don't reflect it, as they were taken late in the afternoon, but it's been fiercely hot here in the Puget Sound area. ("Fiercely hot" around here means anything over about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Stop snickering, New Yorkers.) That's quite a change from the rain and drizzle of a week ago.

For most of the day, we sat in the heat of the full sun, protected only by a fortuitously-purchased parasol from Daiso. Near the end of the day we finally started getting some shade. Here, at end of day, Captain Midnight clearly lacks the will to go on. (He does, however, possess the will to go on eating sugar snap peas.)

Goodies made by Miss V and me, arrayed in all their splendor.

Plus this week I finally got smart and picked up a cork board -- the better for shoppers to see our wares from a distance, my dear.

Well, it does.

So would you like to see some of the other vendors? There were at least 45 of them at the Square last Saturday.

Check it out.

Fabulous jewelry at Carlotta Valdes (the owner tells me she and her boyfriend have just discovered a shared fondness for Legos).

If people are good, they go to heaven when they die... but if sweaters are good, they go to Wooltastic.

Fuzzy friends (including stuffed salmon) ready for adoption at Adorable Seattle.

It's never too early to start breeding a geek. Cute and clever onesies by Katy and Zucchini.

We have to take the time to show you Ilee Papergoods again...

...because otherwise you might miss their beautiful letterpress cards... and that would be both sad and disastrous.

I didn't get this guy's official name, but his sign proudly proclaims all his wares are "Hand Forged in Georgetown."

The good folk at (from left to right) Sweet Anthem and Tweet Toffee. Delicious scents + delicious toffees = outstanding deliciousness.

Then there was mobile food. Mmmmmmobile food. Where Ya At Matt had moved on before I had a chance to capture them on (pseudo)film...

...but Here and There were still on the premises...

...as were Ram and Rooster Dumplings. Mmm, dumplings.

And of course there was Parfait. As in "that whooshing sound you hear is my diet being blown" Parfait. Oh yeah.

Hey, on a day this hot, ice cream is practically heatstroke therapy, people.

This is Mr. Remote Controlled Parlor Palm. RCPP spent most of his time today dancing with kids, chasing bemused shoppers and generally whizzing around the stalls and booths of Seattle Square.

The One Man Band showed up late in the day to do his thing.

And that is how you do your second week as a vendor at Seattle Square. Next week: our third and last appearance for the season!


Julie said...

Chuck has asked that you remove his picture at once! He is completely ashamed that you are exploiting his image! What if the other ugly dolls start thinking he's a cross dresser!

Cease and desist!

Your honorable Counsel, M. Pubes

Soozcat said...

You can't send a C&D letter in Blogger comments, you silly monster.